Chess Club
The club has over 40 kids on its roster sheet with about 30 kids showing up for each meeting. The youngest student is 5 1/2 years old and the oldest is around 15. This is the largest scholastic club in the County Library of San Diego, maybe even the city of San Diego. Most students come to the club through referrals and recommendations. New students continue to come in each week. All seats are taken with no room for parents.

Mother Daughter Book Club
Founded in September 2016, Mother Daughter Book Club (MDBC) is a book club for girls in grades 2-5 and their mothers. It is hosted by children’s librarian, Kathleen Sullivan-Long and local author, Marcie Wessels. Our primary goal is to read and discuss all genres of children’s literature – fiction, non-fiction, even graphic novels – in an effort to foster a life-long passion for reading. Members of MDBC read the monthly book club selection prior to the meeting. To facilitate discussion, each girl also chooses a literature circle role which she presents to the group. The roles include Artful Artist, Discussion Director, Passage Picker, Connector, and Word Wizard. The discussion is followed by a thematically related craft and snack. MDBC meets the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Community Room at the 4S Ranch Library. CURRENTLY AT CAPACITY

Chicks with Sticks
Also known as people that knit, crochet, make lace and other crafts. Meets every Wednesday at 5:00-7:00 pm by the fireplace. We don’t teach the crafts, however, we’re there to help each other so JOIN US!

4S Ranch Book Club
An off-shoot of Chicks with Sticks. Meets the 4th Wednesdays of most months at 6:00 pm. Open to all

Coffee, Books and More
An off-shoot of Mother Daughter Book Club. Meets once a month. Check the calendar for the next date.